This website is a personal hub to showcase myself, my creative works, and my professional development as a student at Ohio University's School of Media Arts & Studies. In it, you'll find many things I've studied and learned on my quest to become a professional video editor. It doesn't matter if I'm working on a team or on my own, I've proved time and time again I can finish the job with exemplary results.  

About Me

I started my filmmaking venture on the cusp of my teenage years. Since then, I’ve held myself to the same standard: Be different. In my high school broadcasting team, everyone else felt safe editing in iMovie while I ventured almost immediately into Final Cut and Livetype. By being different, I made impressive films from the start, and even gave a lecture on Livetype to my class later in the year. When other Greek organizations relied on only their good word to recruit members, I realized that Pi Beta Phi could reach out to many more women, and make a greater impact on them. By being different, I helped solidify many a students’ first foray into Greek life. When we at Upstream Productions received the materials we needed for our 48-Hour Shootout video, they called for a humorous, lighthearted romp—just like everyone elses’ videos. By being different, I helped Upstream Productions realize their vision of a short, serious movie with a message.
            Today, I pride myself on my differentness. After all, what’s so special about someone who blends in to the crowd? In order to succeed, you need to stand out.  That’s what I strive to do. I strive to be the best I can be. I seek new methods to add variety to my creative process. I find, through the recesses of my mind, only the best ways to make my movies shine. And, I don’t yield to the crowd. I don’t give in to what’s popular. Instead, I do what’s best for me, the client, and the final product. That’s what sets me apart from everyone else. That’s how I’ve stayed true to my creed of differentness.
            Many of my peers seem to treat the post-production process as an afterthought. They see editing as a burden, and rush through it to get a final product out before the deadline. They throw polish out the window and care only that the message is delivered. Unlike them, my specialties lie in post-production. Every detail is meticulously crafted and tweaked for the most profound impact possible. Every shot, every sound, and every effect I drop in the timeline adds a new facet to the video’s personality. Every editing project I’ve undertaken has been painstaking, but hugely rewarding in the end. Every time a video is rendered, another magnum opus is spawned. Even in the past two years, my editing prowess has expanded exponentially, and I hope you’ll agree after viewing my portfolio.

            I am proud of every video I’ve made. Each video represents something new, whether it’s a new tactic, a new program, new equipment, or a new field of view. I’m excited to see where the next few years will take me. I'm excited to see what each subsequent work of art I make speaks to me, to you, and to the world.

-Darin John Simokov