This website is a personal hub to showcase myself, my creative works, and my professional development as a student at Ohio University's School of Media Arts & Studies. In it, you'll find many things I've studied and learned on my quest to become a professional video editor. It doesn't matter if I'm working on a team or on my own, I've proved time and time again I can finish the job with exemplary results.  

Monday, February 24, 2014

Touched by Time

Above is a video I helped make for the 24-Hour Shootout along with Michael Baker, Clay Hribar, Carly Maurer and Garret Mohler. We are Upstream Productions, and this is Touched by Time.

In this film, I mainly helped with cinematography, designing the logo, animating it, and editing certain segments: the title and credits sequences, as well as the time-travel effect (sound effect included).

Part of me wishes there would be more 48-hour shootouts so I can have more opportunities to have creativity explode in such a short time, but my sleep cycle says otherwise.